Whoopee Dipper
Whoopee! An amusement attraction for all ages
Did you know that Surrey used to be home to a popular amusement attraction called the “Whoopee Dipper”? Built in 1929, the Whoopee Dipper was a contraption that served as a rollercoaster for cars. 10,000 feet of lumber and around $10,000 were invested in building this U-shaped wooden track that used to stand near today’s King George Boulevard and 104 Avenue.3 For 25 cents, automobile enthusiasts could drive around the Whoopee Dipper once. For 50 cents, visitors would be driven by the owner himself. The Whoopee Dipper was a hot attraction for all ages, so much so that all the roads leading to the bridge were backed up on weekends—and for a good reason, because there were only five of these attractions in operation at the time throughout North America!3
![Whoopee Dipper, [1938].](img/Whoopee Dipper 1938.png)
1 T. Zytaruk, ‘Yippee for Surrey’s Whoopee-Dipper’, Surrey Now-Leader, 2015, (accessed August 11, 2021)
2 Hoshiko, Michael “Who Was Who”, 1998, pg 97.
3 Unknown author, “‘Whoopee’ To Be Built in Surrey”, Surrey Gazette, September 12, 1929.